How many SE books do you own?

Hi everyone!

I got into collecting special editions about a year and a half ago. I bought a bookshelf to display them and I've since filled it and now I guess I'm going to have to buy another. In the beginning, I was so excited to own pretty books that I rarely used skips. Now I've got quite a few books I should probably sell because I didn't love them. I also find myself tempted to buy multiple copies of books I did love, and have 5 copies of Six of Crows.

I see a lot of people on this sub talking about the massive number of subscriptions they have and I'm curious. How many books do you have on your shelves? Do you read all of them, or are they just pretty? Is there a max number you allow yourself to own? Do you own multiple editions of the same book?

Looking forward to everyone's responses!

Edit: Glad I'm not the only one that has over 100 books!! 🤭