Are South Asian Muslims the worst?

While living in Canada, I met people from many different ethnicities and cultures. What struck me most was that not only non Muslim immigrants but immigrants from Middle Eastern and Persian backgrounds tend to assimilate better to the West than South Asian immigrants. It's funny because islam came from the middle east.

A lot of these middle eastern immigrants consider themselves to be liberal Muslims but their version of islam is much more peaceful and logical than these south Asian idiots. Coming from a South Asian country myself, I met Egyptian ladies wearing tank tops and eating only halal food. I love how Egyptians and Persians(especially Persians) throw away all the regressive parts of their homeland's religion and culture the moment they step into western soil.Meanwhile my dad would disown me for wearing tank tops.

Why are South Asian immigrants so hell bent on turning the west into the third world shithole they came from? I am so sick of them being obsessed day and night ONlY over Palestine/Arabs (meanwhile Arabs don't treat them equal at all) while ignoring the problems of Iran and Afghanistan. I hate how they were blaming gulf countries for relaxing their sharia law(selling alcohol,tolerating other religions like celebrating Christmas). What do these Bangladeshi and Pakistani morons think that once the oil is used up, gulf countries will want to live like them 😂 ? I wish I was born to a Persian in the west.

Edit- Some people here think I hate my community, I don't. But I definitely dislike them for getting brainwashed by religious extremism.As a women their misogyny hurts me a lot.