Muslim women are such hypocrites!!

I've seen women suffer because of Islam here in Pakistan. Their husbands would beat the shit outta them, they'd be crushed down by the giant family politics and whatnot, but yet they'd be going against those independent feminist women who actually fight for their rights. It's a cycle here, first you get mistreated by your in laws for your whole life and then you mistreat your son's wife. Lower/middle class people barely let their daughters study till a masters degree. Many richass women literally do degrees such as MBBS and just sit at home afterwards. Like wtf? I don't get it? Why would you study MBBS if you ain't gonna work afterwards? Kudos to those women who are independent and work. They don't just work for 9-5 but along with that they also had to take care of the manchild husband, their kids and IN LAWSS. Like imagine working your ass off and then coming back to hear tanaay(idk kia kehte hain eng main isse, translate in comments pls? :3) of your grumpyass susar or saas! My sister is exactly in this situation and I hate this. So yeah, was thinking about how those conservative stay-at-home play a great role in their own fuckin suffering. They defy those who fight for rights. I remember some madrassa women coming out on the street against aurat march and I was like wtf, you fkin clowns!