Paul H. Dunn, General Authority and POS liar

Paul H. Dunn had a meteoric rise in the church leadership ranks from seminary teacher to general authority. He was a gifted storyteller. His stories about his World War II combat experiences and professional baseball career were faith-promoting. Especially his recounting of his Army buddy dying in his arms during the invasion of Okinawa and how he was saved and converted his Sarget by the power of the priesthood

I was captivated by his powerful faith-promoting tales. I bought all of his talks (cassette tape). Because of him, I went on a mission. And because of my faithfulness, God sent him to visit my mission. The MP sent me to pick him up at the airport. I had him sign my Bible. I was on the spiritual high of my life. He spoke at our Zone Conference and related a WW2 faith-promoting story. The room was thick with the spirit. I felt the burning in my bosom. I knew the church was true and that my two-year commitment was not a waste. I was so overcome that I wept. It gave me the strength to continue and finish my two-year commitment.

Fast forward ten years. Paul H. Dlunn was placed on emeritus status by the church because he had made up all his stories about WW2 and his professional baseball career. None of this was true. He had made a great deal of money and drew his fame from these false stories, and he used his fame/reputation to advance fraudulent business schemes. other words, my testimony and confirmation from the Holy Ghost about his stories was based on fraud.

I learned a powerful lesson that confirmation from the hold ghost is nothing more than confirmation bias and heart sale. This was a valuable lesson, I only it would have happened sooner.