EACC is at Code Red!
The Evansville Animal Care and Control is our local government animal control center. They have been at Code Red (zero open kennels) for multiple days this year and have had to euthanize several dogs due to lack of space.
As our government animal control, EACC is legally obligated to accept all stray animals, all seized animals (such as hording cases), all animals that are part of court cases, and all owner surrenders. They cannot turn away new intakes, so when they are full and don't have fosters or adoptions, they must euthanize.
If your dog is missing, please check there! If you have been considering adopting a dog, please look there! If you have considered fostering a dog, please reach out to one of their partners (VHS, WHS, Paaws, It Takes a Village, Project Arf) to get pre-approved, and then you can foster any dog they have available.
If you are unable to do any of the above--which is totally understandable, I'm in the same position--you can donate funds to help people pay for the reclaim fees of lost pets.
Adoption from one of the partner groups, like VHS, can also help, as it frees up a space for them to pull a dog if they don't have surrenders lined up on their end.
I know there is a lot going on right now and not everyone can adopt a pet or wants to, but in case anyone has been considering but hasn't gone in to look, take this as a sign!
EACC is at 815 Uhlhorn St (off First Ave, if you turn at the Goodwill) and open 10-5 Monday through Saturday.
Edited to add: As EACC takes in all animals, they also have cats regular available. They occasionally have other animals (they've had birds and pigs in the past couple of weeks). VHS has cats, rabbits, birds, rats, guinea pigs, mice, gerbils, hamsters, snakes, and lizards (not all the time). So if you're not a dog person, but are looking for a pet, they're worth checking in with before going to a pet store!
Edited to add again: I've had several rude dms about people who surrender their pets. While it may seem unthinkable to many, a lot of these folks are not doing this without a lot of thought and heartbreak. People's circumstances are complicated and surrender may be the last resort. However, there is something called the Safe Pets program at VHS. If you are leaving an abusive situation and need some time to get back on your feet safely, VHS will arrange care for your pets for 30 days. This may give some folks time to extract themselves and find a better situation. I know of at least one person who didn't know about this program until after she had already surrendered her pet so that she and her kid could get out of a bad relationship, so please also share the word about Safe Pets!