Advice on Trimix training/dosing

I got a Trimix prescription but haven’t had the training session with the prescriber yet. Based on some misinformation the prescriber gave me at the initial session I’m a bit worried about how the training session will go. I want to get information on how the training session and dosing has worked for others.

  1. What dose do they usually start at in the training session? Do they wait to see if you get a full erection or just a partial erection? That is, how much do they bump up the dose right there vs. “extrapolating” for a partial erection to guess at your real starting dose?

  2. If your starting dose is higher than your training dose, is it usually like 2 units training and 5 units initial dose? Something like that? I’m trying to get a ballpark because like I say this NP gave me some incorrect numbers at the first meeting.

  3. I’m worried about priapism even with a dose of, say, 5 units. I’ve seen some people talk about having sudafed at hand (which the NP didn’t mention). Is that the same sudafed pills taken for allergies, or do you need an injectable kind?