Possible Endo- what should I ask my doc?
Hi All! Please bear with me here. I've been dealing with a whole slew/mess of symptoms that have been lowkey going on my whole life. I'm truly at my wits end and it's dark (mentally) over here. I'll try and make this quick but its a long story. I had heinous periods as a kid, once they started getting regular-ish, I was put in birth control because they were debilitating. I'd been on birth control of some form or another from 15-27 and it mostly made my periods disappear or be super super light but still really painful. Two years ago, while I had the implant, I got pregnant and had a miscarriage (didn't know I was pregnant, managed at home bc my MIL and SIL are an OB and an NP respectively). Since then, I've had frequent and monster cysts, polycystic ovaries, uncontrollable weight gain, fatigue, hair growth, hair loss, basically all the symptoms of PCOS and/or endo. PCOS made more sense based on my lifestyle and history and general symptoms, and I hadn't had heinous periods since I was 15. After being dismissed for two years, being put on an advil regime that literally caused my liver to start failing by an OB, switching birth control (3x), and general misery and more, I took myself off all birth control now 8 months ago. Of course the symptoms all persisted. I finally got into a different OB (8 month wait list), and she finally took me seriously!!! She ran all the bloodwork for PCOS, and it doesn't look like I have it. However, since being off BC, my periods have gotten excruciating. Either they're incredibly incredibly painful and heavy but short, or incredibly painful and long and light. I have a pretty strong family history of Endo (that I just recently discovered), both my moms aunts and my mom's grandma and mom have had partial or full hysterectomies due to Endo. My mom has not. Most recently I've had pretty dramatic ovulation pain (doubled over in pain while on the max dose of advil and Tylenol and with a tens unit over the area). My husband just felt my stomach and said he felt something hard right where the pain was that wasn't there on the other side. Ironically my current OB told me over the portal to take advil. 🙄
I have an appointment with my OB in 6 days. She's doing an ultrasound (internal and external) to look for cysts, or any other visible signs of damage. I'm planning on asking for a laproscopy regardless of what they find, but what else should I ask for? I have a short list of Endo specialists I'd like referrals to. One of my really good friends has incredibly severe Endo and she talked me through what to expect but she blanked on questions.
Edit: wanted to add that my husband and I are interested in having children, as that may be relevant to advice given.
Tldr: I maybe have Endo, I have an appointment coming up and I'd like to be really informed and prepared with questions and treatment ideas beyond symptom management.