help help help
i need someone who has this fear to ground me, stay with me i am so scared right now
yesterday a friend of mine was visiting me because he has some troubles in his life and wanted to talk about it he didnt eat for days, pulled an all nighter, only drank caffeine and black tea and went to the gym and did an hour long zumba workout (pretty intense) afterwards he came to me and we talked and he said he was really dizzy suddenly he stood up and it was clear he has to p**e i froze and he ran to the kitchen a did his thing and i was sitting there so frozen and panicked it was terrible he came back after and said he was feeling fine he cleaned the kitchen and we talked about the situation and then he left
we didnt hug or were really close to each other but we sat in the same room together and i am so endlessly scared rn to get sick as well/get the stomach flu or something
i am so insanely anxious, my heart has been racing the whole day, anxiety is so bad rn i dont even feel nauseous really but i am in a high panic and need reassurance and someone with the same phobia to talk to me
i am at my boyfriends but said i needed alone time and i am now alone in the bathroom trying to calm down i drank lots of tea today just had a little diareha (convincing myself it was from the anxiety) and i took an antiemetic 20 mins ago (vomex)