What storyline would you give Felix?

I feel like the actor has a lot of potential to show and he's seriously being underused on screen. So I think it's about time EastEnders gave him a huge storyline.

What about a transphobia storyline? Here me out.

A new person comes into the square and starts talking to Bernie and Felix etc and straight away Felix takes a shine to him. After a few weeks of Felix getting to know this new person Felix tells him he likes to dress up in drag unknown to Felix so does the new person. He tells Felix it's a secret he's been keeping from everyone and isn't ready to open up about it, Felix understands where he's coming from and starts to invite him for drinks etc. Later on through the friendship Bernie is getting suspicious of this guy and tells Felix but he doesn't listen to her. Later down the line the new guy invites him out but away from the square to a drag party Bernie is trying to stop him from going but he does. During the party the new guy isn't dressed up and neither is the other people only Felix. He realizes that he's in trouble and tries to escape but he can't they've locked him in he tries ringing Bernie's phone while she's in the pub and she picks up and hears everything from name calling to violence Felix screaming for them to stop etc. People in the pub see her screaming and crying begging them to stop then it goes quiet Bernie asks someone in the pub to phone the police while she tries to track his location. She finds his location and she and a few people go to track him down also giving the police the location and once they arrive at the house party they find Felix badly beating up. They rush him to the hospital put him in ICU where he's fighting for his life a few weeks later he survives but still in bad shape badly bruised swollen face, broken bones etc Bernie demands the police do a full scale investigation and find out who was responsible for his attack. Later down the line they find out it was a group of men who are against trans/drag men who go around befriending people who are trans/drag and attack them.

Also sorry for the long post once my mind is set on ideas I do tend to go on a bit lol especially when my head is full of ideas for EastEnders. I know many people wouldn't want something like this showing on TV but if the soap portrays real life events then why couldn't they show it? It does happen in real life.