Dear Techland: Please reduce the tedious and infuriating bullshit

As much as I love the game, the combat and the parkour, a few times I rage quit.
Not because its hard or I cant handle a challenge, but because its goddamn fking infuriating, holy goddamn shit.
All the knockdowns and stuns from various zombies, the exploding assholes you sometimes cant see or hear because of the carnage around you, the insane spawn rates of volatiles (yeah, its fking great when a new one respawns literally 5 fking seconds after I killed the last one!), the forced stealth in Bloody Ties and the forced fetch quests, the aneurism inducing side quest where you fight the 3 dudes with insanely fast attacks and blocks and you get blurred vision... And what the fk is wrong with the UV bars? Just now I played the fast food elite mission, and several times zombies just started hitting the generator despite me spamming it with UV bars constantly, thinking it should prevent them from getting to it. The next second I get blown up by that yellow bastard I couldnt hear because of all the screams. Fk that bullshit, seriously. Yes, shit happens sometimes. But if the deaths due to unfair or annoying bullshit begin to stack, then its bad game design, not me being shit (which I admittedly sometimes am) or me having low frustation tolerance.

All these small things add up, and they arent few and rare. There were a few moments where I seriously wanted to punch the people responsible for all this infuriating, unfair and annoying bullshit. Please, for the love of god, stop. At least somewhat reduce the goddamn fking annoying shit... Yes, its easier said than done, but maybe come up with more creative ways to make things difficult instead of knocking us to the floor all the goddamn fking time. Fking hell, in my 20+ years of gaming have I rarely seen so much annoying shit piled on top of each other.