Guns fall short in NG+
Just finished the game on normal difficulty (lvl 8) and i gotta say i had tons of fun blasting my way thru villedor with my combat shotgun, but after starting again in ng+ i feel like my 1900 dmg shotgun, 400 dmg rifle... Just became a pea shooter, before i was 1 shotting virals on the back of the head and now i gotta pump them full of buckshot (10 rounds give or take) at point blank while spamming uv light to get any result. I know that enemies in ng+ are tankier and agressive. Is this normal? Is there any way to give the guns their Kick black in ng+?
Edit: guns got buffed a bit and now i can 2-3 shot a volatile (also, volatiles have some matrix goofy ass power now and they can dodge shotgun attacks)