Problem with my Dwarven daughter and her Human partner

UPDATE 1, 2, 3 (Finished)

Alright chaps I’ve been on this realm for 160 years now and my young 50 year old daughter has decided to be in a relationship with a HUMAN. I was against it but he showed me his skills in his smithy. Laughable for Dwarven standards but he was passionate and I couldn’t ignore that he respects his iron. My problem is that she wants to shave her beard for him. She said she wants to be more appealing for his human preferences. I tried to tell her that she will go cold and that beards are beautiful and it looks just like her mother’s, it would be a shame to get rid of something like that.

Help me brothers as my heart is aching


Brothers, I have made a discovery. I’ve spoken to the human, and it turns out that it wasn't him convincing my daughter to shave. In fact, he fully supports her and our traditions.

The pressure is actually coming from the human's father, who secretly influenced my daughter into wanting to shave. Now she is crying in the other room, and my sons have gone to confront the father, with the human following after them. I’ll update you all later.

Update 2

Me sister’s stayin’ with my daughter, makin’ sure she’s alright. Meanwhile, I followed me sons and the wee human to confront his da—just in time, too, as me rascals were about to bash in his damn door. I don’t know how me daughter could fall for a lad whose da is such a thick-skulled bigot. Spoutin’ nonsense about how we dwarves don’t have women, that we sprout from the bloody ground like mushrooms (I blame the elves), and that if she wants to “prove” her femininity, she needs to shave!

Well, that was it. I couldn’t hold me tongue any longer. I challenged the fool to a fistfight on the spot. Let’s see how well he runs his mouth with a few teeth missin’. I’ll keep ye all updated.

Update 3

Alright, lads, seems like the wee scrap turned into a full-blown village brawl. Me sons an’ the human neighbors jumped in, fists flyin’, ale spillin’, and before we knew it, a barn an’ a handful o’ chicken coops were up in flames. The whole mess only stopped when me daughter an’ her human lad stepped in—though I’ll be honest, I weren’t too pleased, seein’ as the fight was just gettin’ good by the time the third chicken shat out some eggs on the local priest.

Either way, they made it clear they don’t give a troll’s arse whether I or the lad’s da approve o’ them. I hollered at the boy that he’s always welcome back at the forge, but his own father’s still got his head wedged up his arse—lumps an’ all. Poor lad. Ain’t right to turn yer back on yer own, even if they go an’ marry outside the clan.