Duolingo feels intentionally designed to make me feel like an idiot for using it

I have a 498-day streak going on Duo, and at this point I honestly just dread opening the app to extend it. After sitting through the obnoxiously long opening animation, I'm often greeted by a popup to "call Lilly" despite paying over $80 a year just to be given the basic decency of not having to suffer through ads. Every lesson feels like a slog because of the way it shuffles the words around despite that having no apparent effect on how quickly I can actually learn to understand a language. It's all starting to make me think, am I really such a moron that I need obnoxious little cartoons to engage me enough to actually learn a language? Is there really even a point to the "gamification" of learning anyway? Just putting this out there because I think I might just cut my losses and quit this app even though I have about half a year left on my super subscription, and I'm wondering if anyone else feels the same.

Someone on Twitter said Duo was essentially the "Elon Musk of apps" and I think that sums up my issues with it perfectly.