DashPass Scam
If you’re thinking of signing up for the free trial, don’t. I signed up in June, cancelled before the trial period had ended, and was still charged $9.99 at the end of the month. I contacted Doordash support at the beginning of July, and received a confirmation that the pass was cancelled and the money would be refunded to my bank, along with a case number. The DashPass area disappeared from my app.
Waited the 7-10 business days they said it’d be and yep...no refund. I contacted my card company directly, and was able to get the charge reversed.
Just checked my statements and...surprise! I paid $9.99 on July and August 31st for a DashPass that isn’t even visible on my app any more. I can’t put a stop on the charge because it’s through Apple Pay. So it looks like I’ll have to be disputing this charge every month until I change my card number. Wonder how many people they’ve got unknowingly paying for a DashPass with this shady tactic...