Which is the more powerful spellcaster, Wizard or Sorcerer?

An age old debate of Wizard vs Sorcerer, thought to ask for yours opinion to it considering all the modern additions to both classes.

Personally speaking I believe Sorcerer is superior to Wizard.

  • Charisma is better than Intelligence, as Cha skill checks are more common such as Persuasion.
  • Charisma grants you better multiclass potential with the likes of Hexblade Warlock.
  • Natural Con Proficiency, so no need to get Resilience feat, so you can get stuff like Cartomancer instead.
  • Sorcerer gets access to Metamagic.

The only circumstance Wizard ever beats a Sorcerer is with Chronurgy Wizard who's level 10 and especially level 14 crack the game to such an extent that even Sorc can't compete. But if the game doesn't go on that long, or Chronurgy is outright banned, Sorcerer is just superior to Wizard. That's my opinion, now share yours.