Waterfall Sale Post 2 - Large number of discs for sale


Here's Post Two of the Waterfall Sales thread. Disc price for this post (will end in 4-5 days) will be $25 per disc plus shipping. Next post will drop to $20 per disc. Read below if you'd like an explanation.

Link to first thread.

I've decided to adjust the time between posts down from a week to about 4-5 days. I was trying to leave enough time for eyes on the post, but it seems that after 3 days most people would have seen the post anyway.

Original Post and explanation:

I've got quite a stack of discs that I want to move. I'd rather not try to price out each disc individually and spend time haggling over perceived values. I'll leave that up to the market. So here's what I'm going to try. I'm calling it a waterfall sale (I'm sure there's a name for this kind of thing already).

How it works:

  • I provide a list of discs and pictures of said discs.
  • I put a set price on all discs.
  • This price will stand for the week.
  • Next week I will lower the price of ALL discs.
  • I will continue this process each week until all discs are gone, or the price is so low that I'd just bundle discs into lots. I'm guessing that'll be just under $5 a disc.
  • I'll make a new post each week, so you won't have to search through old posts. I'll link the old posts in each.
  • I offer a ~15% discount on discs past the first purchased

My thoughts on this:

  • If there's a disc that you want badly enough, then you will know the price you're willing to pay.
  • If you don't want it at the current price, you can always wait until the price drops next week (or the week after that, etc). Of course, there's a risk someone else will buy it...
  • I'm thinking that in about 3-4 weeks I'll be pretty busy shipping discs!
  • My hope is that at some point you all will be getting deals and I will be moving discs.

Some details to get out of the way:

  • These prices will not include shipping. There's too much variability to take into account once the discs inevitably fall to $10 or less.
  • I'm shipping from NY (12601) so you can get a reasonable idea of shipping costs before you purchase. I use pirateship.com.
  • I accept payment through Venmo or PayPal.
  • I will not hold discs in reserve.
  • Using Reddit's chat feature is the best way to communicate with me (as opposed to sending a message). It's easier for me to track conversations.
  • I would always accept offers, but I would be more willing to negotiate for larger purchases.
  • I would sell the whole lot right now for $1200 (we'd have to discuss shipping). That's just over $6 a disc. I could adjust this price based on sold discs.

Disc Price for this post (will end in 4-5 days) will be $25 per disc plus shipping. Next post will drop to $20 per disc.

Here are the pictures and the list of discs.