Here to help!

I’ve had dpdr on and off for 7 years and can finally say that I have completely gotten through it and will never be in a state like that again. That doesn’t mean it’s gone but more so that when it does come I am not scared of it and it lasts maybe an hour now and goes away. So I want to help everyone I can that is going through what i went through because it is very scary when you don’t know why you feel like that. But you are not going crazy and you’re not losing your mind, you are 100% okay and you will not be stuck like this forever. Dpdr is our bodies way of dealing with things when we are overly stressed or scared and that’s all it ever will be, just an anxiety symptom. Feel free to message me for more 1 on 1 talk to help you learn more and get over this bump in your life!

I will also be making a discord server later for everyone who is going through or has gone through this to help connect with eachother and know that you aren’t alone. In there I will be doing daily voice chats with everyone to help better understand dpdr and get over it. I will not be charging a dime for any of this, I simply want to help as I know how scary it can be.