Just overdosed

I just took 9500mg of paracetamol, which is just below what the NHS states as having a moderate chance of toxicity, I'm 52kg (I chickened out halfway through). I'm too scared to tell my parents and go to the ER because they will most likely shout at me. What should I do? The nearest hospital is about 3km walk away but I can't risk being caught sneaking out. Is this really serious enough to warrant a hospital visit or can I wait until after school tomorrow to go in on my walk home? (~17h)

Update 1: got caught trying to sneak out, got shouted at and sent to my room. I'm going to attempt to go tomorrow morning, against all better judgement.

Update 2: Just woke up. Feeling kinda nauseous and dizzy. Got a mild headache. Should've gone earlier but oh well

BIG UPDATE: Told my dad in the morning, and we left half an hour after i told him bc ofc he had to eat and shower first 🙄. But I got into hospital, had my bloodwork done and it came back as a 45? if anyone knows what that means. I was put on an IV of N-Acetylcysteine in the paediatric ward for an hour before being moved to a room. Then another drip for 4 hours and now I've got 16 more hours of another IV. Staying overnight with my dad because the hospital workers insisted someone stayed so i didn't harm myself. I've been reported to CAMHS, so they'll be in contact with my family soon.

Other than that, everything seems to be fine apart from this fucking drip making me feel like shit.