Feeling discouraged

Sorry in advance that this is so long. I know some of you can relate.

I was doing so well throughout the process of getting my upper teeth removed and receiving my immediate. I've had my immediate for over a year and things have been great other than needing cushion grip but I didn't want to get my permanent too soon and risk it not fitting.

I ended up switching dentists and dental insurance after receiving my top denture due to to the first office screwing me over/lack of communication and also not accepting Medicaid, which I'm now on due to losing my job.

Started off at this new dentist a few months ago still having most of my bottom teeth except for my wisdom teeth and 1 molar removed. They felt confident that only the 4 front teeth would require extractions and most of the other lower teeth could be fixed with fillings. So I went ahead and got fillings on 4 lower teeth and was told that 2 of the molars were saveable with root canals and crowns which would be covered by my insurance (I'm in an expanded Medicaid state which has pretty decent coverage thankfully). I also had the 4 front teeth extracted and it went well.

When I showed up for the root canals, I had just gotten into the chair when I was informed it wasn't regular crowns that I would need, but instead it was crown lengthening which would not be covered by my insurance and would cost me over $1000. The doctor was still about to proceed with numbing me for the root canal portion when I said there was no way I could afford those crowns. So he said "well your only other option is extractions then." So I ended up having to leave the office and think things over for a few days (now why on Earth they couldn't have informed me that it was crown lengthening versus regular crown which would be covered before I got all the way to my appointment, I will never know). I called back a couple of days later to schedule the extractions, which I ended up having done yesterday (Wednesday).

On Monday they called to confirm my appointment. Then Tuesday they call me "just wanted to make you aware that we see you are scheduled for extractions tomorrow, but according to your chart those teeth can be saved with root canals and crown lengthening. Did you really want to get them extracted?" I informed them "yes. Unfortunately I can't afford the root canals and crown lengthening which I wasn't informed of until I showed up for that appointment. So my only other option is extractions." Their tune changed "oh ok. See you tomorrow then."

So I show up yesterday for my extractions. I had the same surgeon who extracted my 4 front teeth a month ago (at the time of that appointment I hadn't yet had the one that was supposed to be for the root canals, otherwise I would have opted to get them all extracted in one visit). So he asked what brought me in that day since he just saw me only one month previous. (That whole confirmation before they get started small talk). I said that I couldn't afford the thousand+ dollars for root canals and crowns on those 2 teeth so I had to get them extracted since they are in bad shape and causing me pain. So he gives me the shots and steps out of the room for a few minutes for the novocaine to take effect. Right before he starts pulling my teeth he puts that whole bite block thing on the opposite side of my mouth and starts talking about how I really should get implants, even though they are very expensive, because wearing dentures is no fun and implants are just like real teeth, and I'll be able to eat and chew anything I want. (Super convenient that he starts his spiel once I can't respond.) He kept going on and on about implants while he was removing my teeth then once the teeth were out he rinsed my mouth, said "you're all set" then left the room. The dental assistant was the one who removed the bite block from my mouth and placed the gauze. I can't believe the surgeon left the room before that was even done.

What really upset me the most was he knows I couldn't afford $1000 so how could I afford $20-30 grand instead? And this office has mostly Medicaid patients so it's not like there will be tons of patients there who can afford implants to begin with.

I went home aggravated and focused on icing my face and staying on top of my Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen and didn't bother putting in my top denture at all. Today I tried putting it in and discovered that at this point, it is basically just cosmetic since I no longer have enough bottom teeth to make much contact with the denture. I'm sure it will be months before I get fitted for my lower since my insurance won't cover an immediate and I want to make sure the bulk of the shrinking is done first.

My question now is should I still try wearing my upper every day to stay in the habit of wearing it/not allowing myself to be completely dentureless for these next however many months, even though right now I'll only be eating foods I can smoosh against the roof of my mouth? I'd hate to lose the progress and hard work I put myself through to become used to it. But I also don't know if I'm just wasting my time bothering to wear it on the days I'm home since it currently won't be helping me to eat anymore.