I just need her to just die already.

I get it. It sounds terrible. Maybe because it is. I just hate this. I’m 17. My grandma has been there my entire life. Helped to raise me. She’d make me anything to eat I asked for. She’d take me to the dollar store and let me get toys every time, even though she really didn’t have the money. She’d show me how to sew, even though I never got good at it. I was everything to her. Now, I’m just another face. In her mind, she’s got no family. No friends. Nothing. She used to be so smart. She only got an education up til the 3rd grade, but that didn’t stop her from learning english and migrating to America. She had a beautiful mind. She loved so deeply. Now she’s mindless and miserable. She’s surrounded by love and family but still all alone. I just wish she’d die. It’s what she’d want. It’s like her soul is already gone anyway.