Oma Tried to Take Off

Hello there,

My Oma (66F) has recently come home after recovering from an aneyurysm. I wouldn't say that she is diagnosed with dementia, but she is definitely checking off a lot of the boxes in terms of the restlessness, sundowning, agitation etc.

Anyways, today she asked me for her credit cards and drivers liscense and I told her that I was "keeping them safe" and she demanded that I give them to her "Right now". I told her no. Which really sent her over the edge. She tried to take off through the backdoor and walk to a gas station and I had to physically stop her (I had to walk in front of her and basically put my arm out in front of her).

Eventually, she relented and went back into the house and stormed off to her room. (I have a baby monitor in there so I know she isn't hurt. She is just on her phone).

What do I do to prevent these outbursts? I am trying to be an adequate caregiver but she is getting increasingly more and more agitated and I am not entirely sure how to handle it, I feel like I am doing everything completely wrong.

Please help.