the new feddy is the weakest killer in the game
this is my first reddit post where i will be expressing why i am very frustrated at the state of my favourite horror icon freddy krueger in dbd. freddy has 3 abilities. The dream snare, the dream snare is a skill shot that moves forward and can go through objects, when hitting a survivor it will inflict them with hindred which slows them down by 10% for 4.5 seconds. The dream pallets when destroying a normal pallet you can put down a dream pallet in its place, you can erupt that pallet that makes it explode in a small radius and will remove a health state from the survivor if they are within the radius and IF they are in the dream world. lastly the teleport, you can teleport to any generator and to survivors in the dream world when they are healing other survivors. So this all doesnt sounds so bad, his dream snakes are probably one of the weakest anti loup abilities but it still slows down people and his dream pallets are the worse set up abilitie but they sometimes pay off, the reason i believe he is the worst killer in the game is because these abilities WILL NOT EFFECT the survivors UNLESS they are in the dream world , which bring me to the awake mechanic survivors spawn in the awake state and will take one minute for the sleep meter to fill after which they will get into the dream world freddies mediocre abilities will not effect anyone who is not in the dream world, survivors can wake up by failing a skillcheck on a generator, failing a skillcheck while healing, being picked up from the ground, being unhooked and by picking up an alarm clock which will not only reset their dream meter to 0, which means that they will need another 60 seconds to be put in the dream world but they will also get a 30 second IMMUNITY TO ANY OF FREDDIES ABILITIES which means that instead of the super long 60 seconds it would normally take them to be put into the dream world it will now take 90 seconds instead, freddie can speed up the process the sleep meter fills by hitting an m1 which will immediatly put them in the dream world, by hitting a snare u will fill 50% of the sleep meter, with a cooldown of 7 seconds u will need to hit 2 snares that will do nothing to put somebody in the dream and only after hitting these 2 snares and putting the survivor in the dream world u can then wait another 7 seconds to hit them with another snare that finally effects them. Freddie has some of the weakest abilities in the game and when you play against survivors that prioritize at being awake at all times i feel like i dont have an ability at all, the worst thing about this is that no one seems to notice how easy it is to stay awake and all the content creators keep saying the freddie rework was a succes and that he is now a very strong killer.