Hi, newish here, SOMEONE HELP!

Tbagging survivors? My first time playing huntress. IM TRYING.

Flashlight saves WHEN MY FACE IS SHOVED INTO A WALL? Guess what that's met with? Tbaggers. I get hit by a millimeter of a pallet? OH MY GOD, MY POOR KILLER MASS MURDERER IS GONNA DIE. Also don't forget the 3 tbaggers waiting.

I chase a survivor for 2 loops? 2 gens are now done with a third ready.

I complain because survivors feel super unfair at times? Because all survivors know how to do is whine. My bro is a bit of a dbd pro, im trying to get into it for him. So ill sometimes ask the community for help and the community loves to go "you just suck haha! I'm better than you". TOXIC FUCKS. I PLAY SMASH BROS AND ITS LESS TOXIC THAN THIS. THE PLAYERS EVEN SMELL BETTER AND HAVE YOU FUCKING SMELLED A MELEE FOX PLAYER??

Also I kicked a gens 3 times "hey what's these spikes?" My brother "oh the entity is blocking you from kicking that gen." "Oh gotcha no one can work on it?" "No no, you just can't kick it" WHAT???? SO AS SOON AS I LEAVE SOMEONE IS GONNA APPEAR FROK THE BUSHES LIKE NAKED FUCKING SNAKE AND FINISH IT BECAUSE I CANT BABYSIT THE ALMOST DONE GEN OR ELSE 3 MORE POP.

Why do the killers take a moment to clean their weapon after a single hit? Get the down THEN clean.

I enjoy playing speedy characters so I play wraith and legion. GOD FORBID. Endgame chat is fucking wild.

To answer my flair, how do I do better? I'd like to play speedy killers. Thanks! 🥰