Living in the apartment which used to belong to me and my ex
Roughly 2 years since my ex moved out. Back then I decided to continue living in the same apartment where we had lived for several years. Multiple reasons: this is a nice place, my kids school is near by, the building is in good condition and neighborhood in general is great. I also like things consistent in my life so divorce + finding a new place would have been a nightmare to me. I still have some old furniture, like sofa, kitchen table etc. and there are some paintings or posters on the wall that have been there while my ex still lived here.
Fast forward to today where my new partner (I've known her several months and she's been at my place many many times) brought up the topic that she feels like she lives in my ex's house and not mine, asking why I haven't just discarded everything since that's what people usually do. She did emphasize that she doesn't mean I would actually have to throw anything out but is just trying to get info and understand my choices. I believe she's looking for affirmation that I'm with her, that's what I captured from the discussion. I was a bit overwhelmed during the initial discussion and thus we agreed to continue it later tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'm generally curious what people do in this situations? Do you throw everything out? Or better yet would you have moved out from the apartment in the first place and "start over"? Is there a right or wrong here?