Men: Do you ever cuddle platonic female friends?

I (39f) have been going through a rough patch and my friend (42m) invited me to spend the night at his place. I’ve spent the night before, and he always gives me the bed and sleeps on the couch.

This time, he climbed into bed with me and cuddled me. He also kept kissing my head, my shoulder, my neck. In the morning, he was snuggled up against me when we woke up and he kissed my elbow and asked how I was.

Important context: I have romantic feelings for him and he is very aware of that.

So my question is, is this normal(-ish) behavior for men with platonic friends? I’ve never shared a bed with a man I wasn’t planning to sleep with, and I have never snuggled with anyone platonically. It seems weird to me, and especially because he knows my feelings for him.

Edited to add: My friend says I need to give you more context for my confusion. This guy tends to run hot and cold and will give me what I think are clear signs he’s interested and then will pull away when things get too real or too serious or if I seem to be getting too close to him. He is also in an on/off relationship (mostly off) that is very clearly not working. (He regularly asks my opinion on that relationship and then says my opinion doesn’t count because I “have skin in the game” because I have feelings for him.) I’m one of his only real friends and he says I’m the person who knows him best in the world. Hope some added context helps.