Sleeping together on the first date

I met a guy on hinge and we have been talking every day for a week. We even had a 4 hour long phone call one day. Anyway we were pretty into each other already and the convos were never sexual. Anyway we finally hung out and it was last minute because i was out w my friend at a restaurant and i just asked if he would want to meet up with me after. He said yes and he met my friend and we all hung oht for a bit. Here’s my issue. I’m really awkward sometimes and i was getting nervous about him coming so i tried to get drunk w my friend so alcohol definitely was a factor in this. Anyway once we were alone we did kiss and we were alone for hours. I can’t remember if i mentioned this or not about sex on the first date but he said he wouldn’t want to cuz he wants to take me seriously. But then it still happened 😐 I know if i wasn’t influenced by alcohol then i wouldn’t let that happen but whatever it did. My whole thing is that now im in my head that the excitement is gone and he’s just gonna slowly be over me. I feel like sex on the first date would be the reason for that.. he was really sweet after the date and took me home even tho he lived an hour out. We have been texting i mean it’s only been 3 days. But i for some reason am feeling it’s getting slower ? I just don’t know if im in my head or not. MEN please tell me , do u lose interest in a girl if she lets u smash the first date?