What’s your ratio of importance on looks and personality?
What I mean by this is how much does importance of looks and personality weigh to you? Like, is it 50-50, 60-40, 70-30, 80-20, 90-10, etc?
For me, id say mine is 80 on looks, and 20 on personality. 80 meaning that the person has to look pretty good for me to even consider anything more than friendship, and 20 meaning that the person just has to be respectful and respectable of a person. Doesn’t have to like all the same things I like. Been on dates with people that like the same stuff as me, but just didn’t attract me in looks, so nothing clicked first date.
So yeah, that’s what I mean by importance of ratio in looks and personality. I know everyone is different so I’m curious about others. And this is just a curious question, not looking for advice, so any comments trying to give me “advice” are gonna be ignored.