Dating is spooky
I’ve been trying to remain hopeful and ignore shitty behaviour from people since I’ve met a whole bunch of good people in my time dating, but boy recently I’ve been exposed to rough shid.
Long story short; I’ve been sexting/sleeping around with a three different people over the past few months, all knowing/agreeing they aren’t down for anything serious.
The first person, gave me a decent notice when they started seeing someone else seriously. They cut our relationship off the second they felt the other relationship was getting serious, that’s fine, not too spooky (still eh tho).
But the second and third 😬 second I didn’t even know they cut me off, but saw posts of them and another partner madly ‘in love’. I’m not salty but that’s scary, to get to the stage of love while having sex with another dude (me) is wild.
Third person still sexts me, I didn’t know until yesterday that they might be super into someone like relationship type. They are keeping me on the sex bench incase it doesn’t workout.
Examples like this, sort of chip away at my faith in people.
When I was dating seriously, when I caught feelings for someone the thought of sexting someone else was nauseating, but people out here just doing it. And it isn’t exclusive to a gender, my women friends say the same shit has happened.
Is this a new thing brought on by social media, if so how do you deal with the trust issues formed, and lack of faith in future partners?