PSA: Don't get better at the game.
Yo firstly i want to say that i love CS and ive been playing for almost 20 years. With that said..
Having skill on CS is useless since you can fake your skill and not get banned, getting better wont bring you anything positive it will just match you against more cheaters. Above LEM and 25k elo 75% of your games will have a cheater and the fun you had at low elo will go away.
I really feel like playing THIS GAME is the biggest waste of time right now. Global comp and high elo premier = full cheater so i tried to grind a bit of wingman to get global with a friend but after 3 easy wins and a tie against 2 globals we got matched against 2 cheaters and the fun was already over. Even Deathmatch is full of bots farming xp/stars/cases. I just wanted the red Premier medal but i dont even have the strenght to solo queue in Cheaterland anymore.
Please Valve, save the best FPS ever created.