So I watched Riding the Lightning

I am a first time watcher. And obviously I know I am super late to this show but it's been on my list for a while. I finally got to it after completing the mentalist and psych. So anyway, this episode is amazing beyond comprehension. Jason Gideon literally doing his everything to save Sarah Jean and Sarah Jean doing everything to not let anyone reach her son because she knows if her son knows who his parents are, he would be forever traumatized. The show hasn't really made me feel so much but this episode changed everything. I was suddenly so so invested in Sarah Jean's story. And even though she dies, there is a sense of satisfaction and closure to the story. She protected her son from ever knowing who his father was. And she was at peace. Such a beautiful episode. She won. The asshole, Jacob, lost.

I have added the spoilers flair just to be safe.