How long was it after infection before symptoms kicked in/worsened?
I had a one week infection that was pretty awful but honestly I thought I was fine for a few days after testing negative. That’s when the random tachycardia episodes started, along with adrenaline dumps and reactivity to foods. Over the last five weeks, I feel like my pre-existing pots is way worse - resting hr is higher, can’t recover from exercise really, super fatigued, hands hot every night and after eating, chest pain and feels like I still can’t get a full breath/like I’m on the verge of hyperventilating. I’m positive it’s post viral dysautonomia. Getting a holter monitor for a few days soon to rule out electrical issues, may push for an echocardiogram and chest X-rays as well to rule things out.
Just curious how long it took for symptoms to develop or worsen, and if they always turn into LC/don’t improve for most people. I’m trying not to freak out, but this is ridiculous and it’s making my already difficult life way harder to manage. Just need some hope and encouragement, thank you.