Why Do Y’all Keep Engaging With Stuff You Hate?

If you hate something, why do you keep clicking on it? Why are you watching the video? Why are you scrolling through the post? Why are you in the comments typing out an entire essay about how much you despise it?

I see it all the time—people complaining about how awful a YouTuber is, but somehow, they’ve watched every single one of their videos. People ranting about how much a subreddit sucks, but they’re in there daily, arguing with strangers. It’s like walking into a restaurant you hate just to yell about how bad the food is. You could have just... not gone in.

If something genuinely bothers you, why waste your time on it? You’re not changing anyone’s mind, you’re not exposing some great truth, you’re just giving more attention to something you claim to despise. The internet has infinite content, yet people act like they’re being forced to engage with things that make them mad.

At some point, you gotta ask yourself—do you actually hate it, or do you just enjoy being mad about it?