AI = Depoplulation
The elites aim to save the Earth—but only for themselves. As resources dwindle and extreme climate change accelerates due to global warming, they see overpopulation and overconsumption as the primary culprits. Their solution? A world where artificial intelligence (AI) replaces human labor, making the majority of jobs obsolete and pushing ordinary people into irrelevance.
Job losses will surge as AI outperforms humans in almost every field, from white-collar jobs like copywriting and software development to blue-collar trades like manufacturing and logistics. With fewer employment opportunities, economic instability will rise, and soaring inflation will make even basic necessities unaffordable. Faced with an uncertain future, birth rates will plummet, leading to a society where childbirth becomes a rarity, if not nonexistent.
As financial struggles mount, mental health will deteriorate, and many will lose the will to continue. The stress of unemployment, poverty, and an ever-widening wealth gap will push more people into despair, with increasing rates of depression, anxiety, and even suicide. Social unrest may follow, but with AI-controlled surveillance and enforcement systems in place, resistance will be swiftly quelled.
At the same time, human health appears to be weakening. The impact of COVID-19 and mRNA vaccines remains controversial, but there is an undeniable shift—what was once a mild cough now lingers for weeks, and immune systems seem more fragile than before. Whether by design or coincidence, the population is growing weaker, both physically and mentally.
Fast forward to the future, and the world will be completely reshaped. AI will cater to the elites in every aspect of life, from preparing gourmet meals to organizing lavish parties. Every service and luxury will be handled by sophisticated machines, reducing the need for human labor to almost zero. The only exception? A select few—the crème de la crème of each profession—who will be handpicked to oversee AI operations and ensure the elites' comfort. These individuals will be the last remnants of a functional working class, carefully chosen for their skills, intelligence, and loyalty.
For the rest, existence will be grim. Stripped of purpose, income, and independence, they will be confined to designated zones—perhaps overcrowded urban slums or controlled environments where AI monitors their every move. The idea of upward mobility or personal freedom will become a distant memory, replaced by a life of dependency on whatever minimal resources the elites deem necessary to distribute.
In the end, the elites won’t need to “control” the population directly—people will simply fade away. With no jobs, no money, no motivation, and declining health, the masses will gradually dwindle. The Earth will be "saved" not through sustainability efforts or green energy but through the quiet and systematic reduction of human numbers.
And when that day comes, the world will be theirs alone—an AI-powered utopia, built for the few who deemed themselves worthy of inheriting it.
Edit: post title - AI = depopulation