Thoughts on Victory Conditions

Guess this post will be against the current zeitgeist of the subreddit, but it’s more worthy of discussion.

Legacy Paths each Age (Antiquity, Exploration, Modern) help to set a Civ to be on course to an expeditious Victory.

Only the Modern Legacy Path has to be fulfilled to unlock a chance at Victory. (Edit: Unclear if the Age progression means the projects unlock for everyone or still have to be fulfilled OR it becomes a Score Victory.)

Legacy Path fulfillment makes the final Victory project less expensive.

Science: You built three Space Race projects and finish with a First Staffed Space Flight project.

Culture: You dig up and house 15 Artifacts and complete the World’s Fair project.

Military: You gain 20 points conquering settlements for the first time. More points after ideologies set in. You finish with the Operation Ivy project.

Economic: You gain 500 points from Factory Resources and complete the World Bank project.

What are your thoughts on these Victory Conditions?