Civ VII DLC Question

Since some of us are already speculating about DLC additions, and we know the general format for the Right to Rule and Crossroads of the World DLC are each 2 new leaders + 4 new civs + 4 new wonders, I'm curious about what groupings people hope or expect to see in future DLC. My assumption based on those titles and how they handled the Leaders Pack in Civ VI has me assume that they'll be vaguely organized by theme of leader/type of Civ, but not to the extent that they're all in the same area, era, or attributes, but I'm curious if people hope or wished differently.

Meaning, when they release 3ish new Civs at once, would you prefer that it's a pack like Germania - Bavaria - Prussia (just making those up as examples, but one general geographic/historical path where the three Civs are split up across eras, but all connected and a historical path), or something like Gaul - Aztecs - Ottoman Empire (diverse across the world and eras)? Or something different, like DLC generally organized by era or type of attributes (Warfarers' Pack, etc). I don't care in general, but assume that all Civs in a DLC being connected would be easier to annoy people (for example, if they created a DLC pack that was the Han/Ming/Qing path and they were all Science-focused like the Han and Ming have been so far, I could see it turning off people that don't have as much interest in that region or wanted more diversity in Civ strengths).