Apple Biscuits Replacement? Help?
Reposted because I am having trouble adding pictures of the girls for some reason...
I am very worried about my chins. I have been giving them the Kaytee apple biscuits. They get one every night at 10:00. They absolutely loved these treats. They even learned the word "cookie" and knew when cookie time was. Through some Google searches (I'm always educating myself!) I learned that they can be very bad for chinchillas. I thought that dried fruits were okay in moderation and that the treat was made mostly of hay. I was wrong. Now I'm worried that they could be sick in the future, even if I were to stop now. Will they be okay? I'm worried about them developing diabetes. They have no symptoms as of right now and they're 2 1/2 years old.
Does anyone know of any treats that have the same texture as biscuits or cookies? They absolutely loved this treat and it breaks my heart having to take something they loved so much away. I would love to give them something that they love but is healthy for them.