The newspaper that claimed that Magnus and Ian told the FIDE president that they would continue drawing its now retracting.

There is a mistake in this article that has been addressed and can be found in the current version of this article, at the bottom. It changes the hole narrative of this article:

« Fe de errores.- En la primera versión de este boletín, la última frase de Arkady Dvorkóvich se tradujo erróneamente, así: “Y jugar partidas adicionales hubiera sido una pérdida de tiempo, dado que los dos expresaron firmemente su deseo de seguir haciendo tablas”. El error de traducción se debió a que, en un vídeo publicado por ChessBase India, Carlsen le dice a Niepómniashi: “Y si no aceptan, haremos tablas rápidas hasta que se cansen”. El padre de Carlsen, Henrik, aclaro después que ese comentario “fue una broma”. Y Dvorkóvich ha aclarado en un mensaje a este periódico: “No vi ese vídeo hasta la mañana siguiente. Magnus nunca me dijo nada de eso. Sólo confirmó que proponía un empate en el duelo, y eso es lo único que yo quise decir”.« 

Which means:

“Faith of errors.- In the first version of this bulletin, Arkady Dvorkóvich’s last sentence was erroneously translated, like this: “And playing additional games would have been a waste of time, since the two firmly expressed their desire to continue drawing.” The translation error was due to the fact that, in a video published by ChessBase India, Carlsen tells Niepomniashi: “And if they don’t accept, we’ll make quick draws until they get tired.” Carlsen’s father, Henrik, later clarified that that comment “was a joke.” And Dvorkóvich has clarified in a message to this newspaper: “I didn’t see that video until the next morning. Magnus never told me anything like that. He only confirmed that he proposed a draw in the duel, and that’s all I wanted to say.””