This little shit had me searching the streets nonstop for three days. Roast him.

My sweet, blue-eyed Bowie went missing recently.

I spent ~$200 on ads and flyers, all my PTO searching day and night, and half my body weight in tears to find him. I was looking down alley ways, calling into the storm drains, just losing my fucking mind.

Over the course of two days, I walked 14+ miles calling his name, spoke with all of my neighbors, came home at 3am and cried until the sun came up. I knew he was stuck somewhere, because he always comes running when I call. When it rained the first night and snowed the next, I could only hope he was okay. And because he has this tiny, gentle little meow, I was terrified I'd never be able to hear him if he responded.

On day three, after another six hours of searching, I came home feeling utterly defeated, rain-soaked from head to toe, and called out for him a few more times from my back yard as a last ditch effort. Just as was heading in, I heard his itty bitty kitty voice in the distance.

He was two yards over, 35ft up a redwood tree. (Hats off to my incredible neighbor who scaled that thing like a beast to get him down.) Poor little guy looked like a discarded teddy bear after balancing on a branch for two windy nights in the rain and snow.

One thorough bath, large meal, and five-minute poop later, he was so incredibly happy to be home. Made his rounds for pets, drooled on me for a while, and zonked out hard.

I'm pretty sure that at this point, the whole neighborhood knows me as the girl who walked the streets day and night in the rain, sobbing and calling for her kitty cat.

Somebody tell this man to never disappear again 😩