The "Hey Arnold" Introduction Makes No Sense To Me

I've always thought the intro sequence to this show made no sense as a kid and now that I'm an adult the darn thing makes even less sense. So let me show you just why that is exactly.

Link to the video:

0:04.00: Why does Arnold smile when shining a light into someone's window? Sure there's someone standing in the shadows but WHY is that something to smile about?

0:13.00: Harold busts over a trash can and appears around a corner, looking mad as hell. Then Arnold shines a flashlight in his face and Harold is suddenly happy for some reason. Dude doesn't even blink, WITH A FLASHLIGHT IN HIS EYES. When people shine flashlights in your face, it freaking hurts, so why exactly is he so happy?

0:16.00 Arnold then, with nothing prompting him to do so, turns to a different direction to shine the light in someone else's face, before tossing the guy the flashlight. WHY?

0:23.00: Now Arnold and company are walking DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET (one without sidewalks or lane markings) or down the widest alleyway in the world, having abandoned the flashlight for some reason. If he was going to get rid of it, then why bring it in the first place?

0:26.00: Here we get proof that the voice of Helga saying "Arnold" over and over is actually diagetic and that she's even drawn his name onto the street for some reason. If he can hear her, and she's actually saying this, why doesn't he respond or say anything?

0:29.00: Helga suddenly has five other girls walking shoulder to shoulder with her as we cut to an alleyway.

0:30.00: Just to clarify ahead of time, Helga has FIVE girls walking in formation with her like they're going to a gang war. And Arnold has FIVE boys doing the same with him. Meaning both crews have six people in total.

0:36.00: Now both "gangs" or whatever square up with the other side, now with FOUR people in total all of a sudden like they're about to throw down with each other. Also, they're in the street in this shot.

0:38.00: THEN we cut to a scene from the windows that shows there are SIX people in each crew. Even worse, they're in an alleyway suddenly, NOT in the street:

0:39.00: Now we're back on a street again and OH WHOOPS Helga's crew is now only 4 people again for no reason:

0:41.00: So after all this buildup, after assembling their crews, after squaring up at the meeting place like they're about to paint the streets red in a BvG deathmatch, what do they do? Helga yells at Arnold to move out of the way and we end with him smiling:

Why did they do this at night?

Why did they need to bring their friends along to watch Helga yell at Arnold?

Why did Helga keep calling Arnold's name over and over?

Why did Arnold leave with a flashlight and then just give it up?

Why did Harold enjoy having a flashlight shined into his face?

Why was Helga on top of a building, then in a bus, then waiting in the street? All while calling to Arnold. Why didn't she just walk up to him?

Why did Helga write Arnold's name on a street, wait for him to pass by, and then call to him?

Why did Arnold ignore Helga doing this despite CLEARLY NOTICING IT?

Why does the meeting place keep changing between street and alleyway?

Why don't the streets have lane lines or anything painted on them?

Why was the alleyway so darn wide?

Why does the number of people in each of their crews keep changing from shot to shot?