milevens don't think bylers are delusional, they think that anyone who prefers a queer ship to a straight ship is delusional
this happens a lot with queer ships in the media when they have an opposing m/f ship. they call the queer ship's fanbase delusional to think that they will ever be endgame in comparison to the m/f ship. like in xo kitty, (don't watch it btw its insanely cringe worthy lol and just overall a pretty dumb show), there was a sapphic ship that was undeniably queer, it wasn't hinted at, the main character was very canonically in love with the other character of the same sex, and they had much more of an arc than the preferred straight ship that is very widely preferred just because the guy is hot. the straight ship only had 3 scenes together in the first season but since straight girls loved the guy character so much they nerfed the queer ship and gave the straight ship more of an arc in the second season. the queer ship even kissed on the lips and the fan base still calls the people who ship the sapphic ship delusional, and try to say that the main character never actually liked her, and try to say that the main character was just confused and only thought she liked her but really only ever liked the guy, and they have been calling people who ship the queer ship delusional ever since the first season. so I don't think milevens call us delusional because they think people who ship byler in particular are delusional. they think that anyone who prefers a queer ship to a straight one is delusional because obviously the straight ship will always win and obviously the queer ship will never win in competition with a straight ship. the bisexual girl character will always end up with the guy and the bisexual guy character will always end up with the girl. they think this because heterosexuality is superior to them, and anyone who disagrees is delusional.