Hero Idea: Aym
Aym, Marksman Master, placement cost: 800, 850, 900, 1100. Easy, medium, hard, impoppable. Monkey money cost: 6000. Range: Mapwide.
Level 1: Pops 5 layers of bloons at once with their high powered rifle.
Level 2: Slightly increases attack speed and deals increased ceramic damage.
Level 3: Ability: Concentrated shot: Pops the largest bloon on screen (up to a BFB) while leaving no children bloons left.
Level 4: Pops 7 layers at once, any leftover layers will go to the next bloon up to 2 times.
Level 5: Increases attack speed and MOAB damage.
Level 6: Can pop lead and frozen bloons.
Level 7: Increases regen of Level 3 ability.
Level 8: Now pops 10 layers at once, increases level 4 to 3 times.
Level 9: Can now see and hit Camo Bloons.
Level 10: Ability: Flare: Stuns all bloons on screen for 3-5 seconds, making them take more damage, and they temporarily lose camo, regen, fortified, and lead immunities.
Level 11: level 3 ability cooldown shortened and can destroy up to DDT, not ZOMGs.
Level 12: Pops 15 layers at once and instantly destroy Ceramic layers.
Level 13: Level 10 ability now permanently removes regen ability and lasts one more second longer.
Level 14: Deals more MOAB damage.
Level 15: Increases attack rate by 2.5x.
Level 16: Level 3 ability can now instantly destroy a ZOMG and now the default attack bounces 5 times if not out of Layers.
Level 17: Pops 50 layers at a time.
Level 18: Flare ability now permantly removes camo and increases damage the affected bloons take.
Level 19: Attack bounces up to 10 times at once along with now dealing 50% more damage to fortified bloons, moabs, and ceramics.
Level 20: Level 3 ability prevents BAD's from spawning child bloons, dealing half of it's health but not fully destroying it, Flare ability now strips fortified and sets bloons on fire, both cooldowns are shortened and deals 100% more damage to all bloons, ignoring all immunties and properities.
He possibly increases bullet caliber from .308 cheytec, .50 bmg, even up to .950 JDJ. Meant as a lategame/boss event hero due to a low fire rate but ever increasing amounts of damage. Makes constant notes to invest in the other defenses, rather than him.
Voicelines: Leaking bloons, "STOP THEM!" "Might wanna prevent them from doing that." "Invest in our defenses." Placement, "Hey." "'Sup." "Defense is a better form of offense." leveling up naturally, "silence" "Another enhancement achieved." "less money in me, more money in the defense." leveling up with cash, "silence" "I didn't need this." "Less money in our OTHER, defenses."
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