Current quest boxes ticked... .. . finally :)

Totally enjoying the journey so far and looking forward to the next episodes/side quests.

Lows : no biggies but briefly the 32 Carpentry grind before I grew into the game, unlocked Crenopolis and realised cashflow was a thing of the past, mining Cabranese, and not taking a screenie of the Cyclopes fete whilst shouting 'Chalk DUST !!!'

Highs : hands down the engagement from the entire dev team regarding QoL's, constructive criticism and even changing core mechanics, coming from 20 years at the behemoth that RS has become it's hugely refreshing, long may it continue.

Wishlist : Inventory management at the quartermaster, not quite a withdraw all option, more like a select all with tickboxes similar to when selling your backpack contents, a totally lowkey request with everything that's going on but it irks me every time lol. Withdraw all would not quite cut it as I'll be leaving some items behind for epic use or future resale.

Favourite quest : Branhoff, the first biggie you unlock, combining raising skill levels with running around left right and centre, classic formula, got me hooked there and then, not forgetting the old school brit humour the game is dripping with.

Favourite episode. I suspect Crenopolis would be high on many polls, the synergy between Leatherwork/Merchant & Combat/Detective is awesome design not to mention the cash/xp/kp opportunites but for me it's the mines, the mines, the mines!

The map is a nightmare, the mobs are infuriating, I miss my Slayer helmet/Light Source thusly I do love it so :)

Anyhoo that's me done, Steam says 441 hours but I reckon a good third of that is login screen timer when those pesky real life NPC's start a den raid, have fun out there!