How do you switch sides when side lying feeding?
I have a pinched nerve in my lower back, so I can’t currently get LO in and out of his crib, and it’s painful to sit up and hold LO to nurse because it just feels like crushing pressure on my lower back. Not to mention that it’s terribly painful and slow to even go from laying down or sitting to standing and visa versa.
Because of this, my husband has been bringing me the baby to nurse side lying in bed when he feeds overnight and putting him back in the crib when he finishes. I’ve been having my husband give him to me on alternating sides throughout the night, but LO stays fuller longer when I offer the other side for “dessert” during each session. But I haven’t been doing this because idk how to do that when laying down lol. Those who nurse in this position, are you just bear hugging the baby and rolling over if you want to switch sides for that same feed?