First adjustment, done!
Oct. 29th 2024 (bottom) to January 6th 2025 (top) 😊
Yesterday I had my first adjustment on my braces, they said everything is going well and are happy with my progression. I decided to take a look back through photos and compare the difference, WOW, movement happens fast!! Much faster than I expected. I have "bite turbos" on my two front teeth, to fix my deep bite, and my bite has changed drastically! I can chew again!! 😂 for anyone who's had bite turbos, you understand how difficult it is to eat while adjusting. Both photos are with my mouth as closed as can be with the bite turbos.
I will say, I'm quite sore today.. they didn't switch my wire... but they added 2 "crimps" to the spacer springs (you can only see 1 of said springs in these photos). It's a nagging achey pain, almost like a growing pain when you were a kid.
Lastly, can we talk about how fun it is to switch up the colour of your bands?!?! I love the navy blue!! I went with silver at first, to be a bit more incognito, but I really like the way this colour pops! 😁