Finished First Playthrough. What's Next
Hi everyone,
I played 700 hours of BL2. Took Sal all the way to L72 OP8. It was a blast. One of my fondest memories gaming. I played with friends for the most part and we all enjoyed the experience. I had to give up gaming in 2017 so I haven't played anything in 7 1/2 years. I recently purchased my son a dream gaming rig for Christmas and you know what? He actually encouraged me to start playing BL3 (on his PC) because he knows how much I like the franchise.
I bought the whole BL experience during the Steam Sale so I am all set. I played through the main story and accidentally started the Bounty of Blood when I was 1/2 way through the main story, so I've completed that one. I'm playing as FLAK and I'm level 45. I'm playing on Mayhem 2 because I can't stand the floor on fire. It's just not fun at all (to me at least).
The question is what should I do next. I did change the setting to True Vault Hunter Mode and start the next playthrough but I then wondered if I should play all the DLC storylines first, then replay the story or continue as is. Unfortunately I am not playing with friends this time so I'm a solo player still having a pretty good time.
Any advice would be appreciated. I understand it's all personal preference and that my preference might not be what others would like to do but sometimes there's a good reason to do them in a certain order.