I like Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery".

Let's talk about the most popular story by this author. I may have liked this story, but I didn't find this scary. Like, it was obvious from the beginning what would happen in the end. Although I understand why it scared others. >! The people you've known all your life, with whom you've been friends and socialized, are ready to kill you just because you won the lottery.!<

I rather liked him because of his direct criticism of traditions that become meaningless, but we continue to follow them, because that's always been the case, even if we know they can be cruel. I also liked one line (the quotation is inaccurate): "The locals felt sorry for Summers for not having children, and scolded his wife for the same thing." Maybe it doesn't have a deep meaning, but it still makes you think.

I also like the lottery image. A small, black box with sheets of paper inside, one of which has a circle drawn on it.

I'm also amused by the negative reaction this story has caused. Peoples even sent death letters to the author, although she didn't even really show the scary part of her story.