How long to bury cat carcass?

My cat passed away and I'm in the process of setting up how to collect his bones.

I got a starter colony of dermestid beetles, while I wait for them to grow in population Im having my cat decompose in the ground.

My question is; how long should I wait before digging him back up? As I have the beetles I dont need to wait the full months-year it'll take for him to decompose fully. Ideally, he would be decomposed enough that he'd come apart fairly easily and I won't have to cut him apart too much if at all.

I won't be deskinning him (as much as I'd LOVE to keep his pelt), but he is cut open from an autopsy. Im in the midwest, so while we might have a few more cold snaps overall its warming up.

(I'm not really looking for tips on the process, I've already researched every step and have plenty of notes and have a fairly solid plan. I'm specifically looking for if anyone could offer me some tips on a timeline!)

Thanks in advance!