I hate the fact my gut reaction to women is clamming up / pouty face

What I mean by this is

  • I’ll catch a girl looking at me , my gut reaction isn’t making eye contact and smiling but literally I just make an angry ish looking face ( I think I’m trying to do what models do but I’m not that hot lol) and staring in the opposite direction.

  • if I’m talking to a girl , I keep conversations as neutral as possible / very light how was your day stuff - never actually bonded with anyone over any hobbies cause frankly it never gets that far

  • catch a girl staring from the side or whatever , sure it’s just people looking around it’s all good in the hood , but I never look up or make eye contact which I think normal people do often right?

I probably just get marked as a loser with these sorts of behaviours. I think I’m genuinely afraid of them like damn…