It's crazy how 1 update ruins and entire multi-player experience.
I'm genuinely surprised how quickly Treyarch can royally fuck up this game with 1 update.
Awful performance on high end PC's. You can't even blame it on the new op skins or gun skins because I've been in lobbies with none of the new skins aside run like dog water.
AR's bugged and nearly all of them are getting insane amounts of hitmarkers EVEN IN HARDCORE but SMGs like Tanto? 1 shot to the body at any range in hardcore. Why even label this thing as an SMG???
Latency, desync, and disconnect issues still aren't fixed and probably not even being worked on. I've seen peer 2 peer multi-player games have better latency than this.
THE AMOUNT OF BUGS ALONE IS WILD. There are many times where you will respawn and your perks no longer work. Ninja? You still have loud ass footsteps Scavenger? You're no longer looting corpses. The list goes on.
But... you know what does work? THE SHOP AND BATTLEPASS. Should have known an amazing cod game releasing was too good to be true.
Edit: phone leaving behind really weird auto correct, had to fix