Be careful w/ mirena
I posted a few weeks back complaining about my non stop spotting with mirena. I got it implanted about 10 weeks ago and I was also experiencing increased bleeding after penetration.
Well today I went to the clinic for a follow up and after doing an ultrasound they discovered that it was displaced and damn near falling out of my cervix. Meaning that it also hasn’t been working for the last 10 weeks 🥲.
They gave me a pregnancy test to confirm I wasn’t pregnant, they removed the old one, and implanted a new one.
Not to sound messed up but I will never trust a male obgyn again. He didn’t even measure my uterus before placing it the first time and that’s why it was placed too low smfh. His energy was also cold, never again
Always follow up to make sure your mirena is positioned correctly a few weeks after placement